Monday, August 11, 2014

letter.seventy.two: 08.11.14 LAST LETTER "He's not finished with me yet."


I can't believe it. I can't believe it's here. It's the time you never think will come, but here it is staring me in the face. My last full week of missionary service was great. So many appointments fell through and we didn't meet our goals, but that's not what matters. What matters is that even though it didn't go the way we planned, we kept pushing through and because of it we had a great week.

This week I have been reflecting on my missionary service. It has been rewarding, to say the least, to reflect on the many lessons learned and blessing that have come to me through my service as a full time missionary. Here are a few of the main ones.

*God is good. All of the blessings that have come to me on my mission and the miracles I have seen are not because of me, but because God has been good to me and blessed me with them. 

*God really is our LOVING Heavenly Father. There have been times of overflowing joy and times of deep sorrow on my mission. In both of those emotions it was evident to me that God loves me and has a plan for me. He knows just what I need and He lovingly guides me there. He isn't just waiting to condemn our every move, but rather to help us accept the mercy that comes through His son, Jesus Christ. 

*Faith is in Jesus Christ, not results. True faith is leaving the results to handle themselves. I've found that the true measure of faith is when you keep going even when the results that you want aren't coming. You know that through Christ anything is possible, but that even if the desired miracle doesn't come you keep going and moving forward because He knows a better plan for you.

*"Perfect love casteth out fear." As I have prayed to be filled with the Savior's love for others and myself it is the way I can make it through without any fear. If you just concentrate on loving, then that pure love will help the Spirit to guide you because that is what the Spirit is all about. Love.

*The power of personal prayer. As I have striven to make my personal prayers more meaningful it has changed my relationship with God to be a much more real and personal relationship.

*Humility is the secret to happiness. True humility is what brings the most happiness in every part of life. Holding onto pride is never worth it. 

*Anyone can change. It's the most amazing thing that you get to witness on a mission. It doesn't matter where they came from, anyone can change if they choose it. Myself included.

*"Judge not, that ye be not judged." You never know where people have come from. You can't always understand the way that they are and just because someone lives differently than you doesn't mean that it's wrong. Even when it is against church standards, you have to try to see where they are coming from before you try to help them or they'll just feel judged. 

These are but a few of the priceless gems I have learned on my mission. It has been a beautiful journey. As I studied on Saturday I was reading about how to know if you're a successful missionary and about the power and authority of our calling. Then I also read my setting apart blessing. As I read I carefully considered my mission and the missionary and person I have become. I felt as I read them that I have done my best. I have never been perfect, but I have given my full effort. As I read I felt an overwhelming peace that God has truly accepted my service and is proud of who I am, but more importantly He is proud of who I'm becoming. 

There is a song we listen to as missionaries that I think is perfect. It says, "There is hope for me yet, because God won't forget all the plans He's made for me. I'll just have to wait and see. He's not finished with me yet."

I know that God isn't finished with me yet. I know that this time as a full-time missionary was just a springboard into a life of changing and progressing. I am eternally grateful for God steering my path in this direction. Especially when I was so fixed in another direction. I have been blessed beyond what I ever could have imagined while being here and I'm so thankful for that. 

I know that missionary work changes people because it's changed me. I know that this isn't just a nice church, but the only true church on the earth and I am so thankful to be a member of it. I wouldn't trade that for anything. 

I love you all. I can't believe I get to see my family in just a few days. I love you with all my heart and never could have done it without your love and support. 

Heaps of love from down unda,

Thursday, August 7, 2014 08.04.14 All in the Lord's time.

Wow. This is getting a bit outrageous. I cannot believe how fast this week went. I think every morning I've turned to my companion and said, "I can't believe it's Wednesday." Or whatever day it was. Time is just slipping through my fingers, but we had a great week.

This week we were able to teach a lot and it was perfect weather so we were even able to walk to some places and find new investigators from walking from place to place. It was delightful. 
There were so many people that we were able to teach and testify to. I am trying to really make the most of my time here and take advantage of the unique privileged that it is to tell people that I know with a badge over my heart. I love it. I feel like I don't know any other life now. We have been so blessed with incredible spirit-filled lessons. 

One of the best was with S. She is amazing. She is so ready for baptism, but she was just struggling to commit to a day. She's been coming to church the whole time I've been here and is even going to seminary every morning. She's awesome. We've been studying all week to know how we can help her make that leap of faith. So on Sunday during Sunday school we took her and a few of the girls that are her fellowship and we had an amazing lesson. The spirit was so strong. We actually showed the first bit of the John Tanner movie. I felt so much gratitude for such an incredible example from someone who is my forefather.

We talked about the sacrifices people make to be baptized and why they make them. We talked about the promised blessings of baptism, especially the Holy Ghost. We talked for a long time about the gift of the Holy Ghost and the amazing blessings that come with it. 

We also showed her "Your potential, your privilege" of Elder Utchdorf's and helped her see the blessings that are waiting for her when she lives up to her full potential by being baptized. Then we asked her if we all could kneel together and pray to pick a date. We first looked at the calendar and looked at days. First she was looking for some time in September. Then we pointed out to her that if she got baptized this week she would be able to do temple baptisms when they go down to Perth. That's what changed it all. It was amazing to see all the girls there supporting her and encouraging her. Not in an overbearing, pushy way, but it helping her realize that she can do this and that she is ready. It was awesome. She is the bomb. She picked this Thursday, so it can replace mutual. Then we all knelt in prayer and she prayed the most sincere prayer to Heavenly Father asking if this was His will. The spirit was so strong. I thought I was going to cry. I felt so overjoyed! She did it. I love those moments. It makes it all worth it.

The last step was for her to check the date with her parents. Her parents have already said that they don't mind if she's baptized and they even think it's a good thing, we just had to see how they felt about this date. 

This morning we talked with S and she said she talked with her mum and that her mum is ok with her getting baptized but she wants her to wait because she wants to make sure S is really committed. She doesn't want her to just get baptized and fall away. When she first told us that I felt a peace enter my heart. I knew that it was all going to work out that was best for S and her family. It would have been amazing to have her baptism before I left and knowledge and commitment wise she was very prepared, more than a lot of people I've taught. I know that God has a plan for her though. Who knows? This could be the way that her family starts to accept the gospel. All I know is that God has a plan and that He knows what will help her to progress to exaltation and I'm just happy that I got to be a part of it. She'll get baptized, but in His timing, not mine and that's just fine with me.

God has been so good to me and I thank Him every day that He lead me to be on a mission and to be here in Kalgoorlie. I have loved every minute of it and I plan to give it every last bit of my heart and soul in my last week. I love this work too much to do it any other way.

I love you all. 
 so much love from down unda