Tuesday, February 18, 2014

letter.forty.seven 02.16.14 "so this is love, mm-mm-mmm-mm..."

We had a great week! We had a great district meeting and then we all had smoothies to celebrate hard work. Then on Wednesday we had specialized training with President and Sister Lindsay and the Assistants. It was awesome! We talked about teaching more effectively and we did a ton of modeling, which was really helpful.

Then we went on exchanges and I went with Sister K from Kitibus (don't know how to spell that) and we had a great time. We really bonded and we also worked so hard. We biked all day and it was great. So hot and so tiring, but so good.

We also took some of the sisters that were struggling to lunch and then did some studies with them and that turned out really well. They opened up to us and we were able to make some goals to help motivate them.

Then for Valentine’s Day we made chocolate covered strawberries for all the sisters, our district, President and Sister Lindsay, and Sam. We woke up early so we could try to get them all delivered before studies and that ended up being really fun. I think we really helped the sisters feel our love. I've always loved Valentines day as a day of friendship lovin'!

Sister Lindsay also came to a lesson with us at Sam's. It went really well. The Spirit was so strong and it was perfect to have her there because Sam was going to have her interview with President so she was able to meet his wife, which made it less weird.

So this week we struggled to find new investigators, but we were really trying our hardest. We had struggles with that a lot this transfer, but we know we've done our part and God has been so good to us. Even though we've been blessed with a few less than we would have hoped, they have been really awesome. Just this week we realized that some recent converts’ we've been working with son hasn't been baptized yet. So on Sunday we had about 20 minutes that wasn't already full so we went to visit him. He became a new investigator! God is so good to us! It was such a miracle!

Also I've realized even more through reading the Book of Mormon these past few weeks how much I love the Book of Mormon. To anyone preparing to go on a mission, READ IT NOW and often. I wish I would have read it really fast at least once a year. It really helps you understand the stories better, which makes the doctrines that are taught so much more powerful. I feel more converted every time I read from it. How can you read it and not feel it's power?! It's amazing. I'm so glad you all are reading it and highlighting references to Christ. That was probably one of the biggest testimony builders to me. But I also love reading it this time and highlighting all the references to the doctrine of Christ. It's powerful to see how often it is taught in the Book of Mormon. The simplicity is incredible, but it also has a way that it relates specifically to every individual. I've noticed that in the BofM. I LOVE IT!

I love you all. Thank you for the love and support. It means the world to me. I hope you had a beautiful week of love!

Love you!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

letter forty.six 02.09.14 "everybody has those days, everybody makes mistakes, everybody knows just, just what I'm talkin' 'bout. everybody gets that way"

What a week! It's been a bit hysterical, most things that could have gone wrong or different than planned did. We had some good laughs this week.

The week started off by needing to take one of the sisters to the hospital so that was an adventure. But I was the one who took her while my comp went with her comp and she and I had a great chat and some good bonding time so that was good.

Then we had zone meeting on Tuesday. It was a great meeting, but we were 30 minutes late because I had to go get some blood tests done (don't worry, I'm fine.) Then because we're leaders they had us session lead a modeling group. (It just means that we help lead it all out and critique.) But we didn't really know what we were evaluating on and we were doing a new kind of session leading that's kind of weird to get used to, and I was feeling pretty dizzy from my blood tests. Oh and of course the assistants decided to come and watch our group... Well I'd love to tell you that it ended up going well, but nope. It was terrible. I'm just being real here, but the best part is I really didn't even feel upset or embarrassed we were just laughing. The times when everything adds up you can either laugh or cry, so we laughed about it. It was just such a comical situation.

Then we went on exchanges that night and it was great. I was in Wanneroo with Sister B from Micronesia. She's awesome! I love her so much and I learned a lot from her. I was praying so hard that we would find investigators and that our lesson would go well. Well, to fit in with the rest of the week, our lesson didn't show up and we found none, yet again, hilarious. We had a great day anyways. We had some beautiful chats with people and we were able to fulfill our purpose in helping others come to Christ, they just weren't ready for the Gospel.

At some point throughout the week we got a call concerning every set of sisters in our zone and something they needed help with.

But throughout this crazy week we had many miracles. I went on an exchange with Sister M from Tonga in her area and we had an amazing day. We taught some of the most powerful lessons I've been to in a while. We were able to really follow the Spirit. We had one lesson with a ‘gator that had heaps of questions, some of which were a bit challenging but the Spirit helped us know what to say so by the end he loved it and he said all of his questions had been answered well and his concerns were resolved.

Also, I by chance met a member... Sister Palmer who was Ann Hewlett's mission comp! It was so fun to talk with her and her husband (who Ann taught and baptized!) It was great!

We also were finally able to meet Sam's son and he became a new investigator! Sam also committed to live the word of wisdom and is now no longer drinking coffee or tea. She threw it all out! And she came to church even though she had a migraine! She is seriously the bomb.

Although because of some things on Sunday that happened it was a bit hard. We had basically no proselyting time and we still had a lot of goals to meet. It was so frustrating, but I realized in church that these really are the times that help me grow, so I am glad for that. But then after some rude things that were said to my companion we were feeling a bit down. Then we watched the pacific area broadcast. It was just what I needed. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. I didn't know how to fix all of our sisters problems, I didn't know how to make our area an example, I wasn't sure if I was lacking faith, but Elder Pearson said just what I needed to hear. He talked about increasing our personal conversion. It was amazing. It helped me remember what I want to focus on. And more than that, it was just what some of our sisters needed to hear so I realized that God was helping solve problems that were beyond us. God is so good. I'm thankful that we had a bit of a hard week. These are the weeks that help me stretch to become better. I also was able to see the contrast from how I was at the beginning of my mission. I probably would have just hated my life and been so depressed, but now, of course it was still hard, but I was able to handle it so much more effectively. I was able to laugh at the situations beyond my control and find some solutions to the things that were within my control. It was great to see my progress and change from the week. Although I do have to say that I am excited for a new week to start over again and take it all on from a fresh start.

I love you all. This letter was not meant to stress you out but hopefully give you a laugh and help those who haven't served missions see the good and the bad because you need both to make it great. I love it. I don't know that I would have appreciated the miracles that we had this week if everything would have gone perfectly, so I'm thankful for the increased perspective. I love you all and hope it's a great week filled with love!

Heaps of love!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

letter.forty.five 02.02.14 ^reunited and it feels so good^

me and Sister E.

What a week! I think the time goes by faster and faster everyday. We had a great week. I LOVED the temple. At first as I was sitting there I wasn't feeling huge insights or any over powering feelings. I was kind of disappointed. I felt great, but I kind of wanted it to be a bigger feeling. Then we went into the Celestial room and I was just enjoying the peace. Sister E and I had a bit of an opportunity to talk about what we learned and were feeling. It was as we chatted that I realized how much I really had learned. I had had subtle, but significant impressions. They were just what I needed. I loved it!

Como district missionaries.

We also had Mission Leadership Council this week. It was my first time back in three transfers and I had forgotten how much I love that meeting. First of all, I got to see Sister T so I was freaking out because I was so excited. We both have missed each other a lot and it was a very sweet reunion. I also got to see some other members of the original Como district that I love. It was great.

Beyond that, the meeting was inspiring. I have often wondered how I can be a more effective leader. President Lindsay started it off by going through D&C 1 with us and looking at it from a leaders’ perspective. It was beautiful. I love the D&C. I can't wait to read the whole thing front to back sometime when I'm not a missionary and studying for investigators.

He then led that into a discussion about how to love, but balancing that love with discipline as well. It was such an inspiring conversation. I felt like all of the comments that were made were inspired, including my own. And I'm not saying that to brag. It really wasn't me at all. The words were just coming to me as I said them, from the Spirit. I love those times. It happened several times during the meeting for me. I love the Spirit! He knows so much more than I do. In general, the whole meeting was insightful and fun. I love those missionaries.

I have found the longer I'm on my mission the more the other missionaries in the APM really are my family. These are some of the closest friends I've had in my life because we're going through this very unique and challenging experience with each other. It's beautiful. There are people that I never could have met any other way. For instance, Sister T. Who would have thought a girl from Utah and a girl from New Zealand would become best friends? I know the people I meet here are a part of the reason that I needed to come. They have changed me and continue to change me.

I had a minor set back this week. I have felt SOO happy this entire transfer; it kind of feels like a dream because it's so good. I love my comp, my district, my zone and ward.  But, for some reason this week I kept getting these lurking dark feelings. I felt happy for the most part, but then I would have this weird darkness creep in. I was frustrated and I just kept pushing it aside because I knew I was happy. Then, finally I got a blessing. It was just what I needed. I was told all of the things I have been needing. All of the doubts or worries that I've had. Most of all, I was able to feel Heavenly Father's love for me. It was incredible. I've felt so much better ever since. God is so good to me. I'm thankful for times like that. They help me rely on God and remember that He is always watching out for me.

We also have Elder Hamula coming to our mission in March and he has challenged us all to read the Book of Mormon before he comes. So that's in one month... wowza. Although, I did it in 2 weeks before I came so I should be able to do it no problem, expect for the fact that we have no time. I'm so excited for it. I love the BofM. We're also highlighting all of the references to the doctrine of Christ and it has already been so enriching. I love it!

Also, Sam has been doing AMAZING! She is soaking up everything. We've seen her several times this week and she has unreal. I love her so much. We went into one of her lessons and one of the first things she asked is how she can pay tithes and offerings. So we told her and on Sunday she fasted and paid fast offering and tithing! She's amazing! She doesn't even have much in the first place, but she wants to give everything to God. She is so inspiring. She also bore her testimony in Gospel Principles and Relief Society talking about how she's a "first generation" (as in member) and she told everyone that if they haven't read the Book of Mormon they need to because it brings peace. She's amazing. I can't even believe her. I feel so blessed to have come into contact with her.

I love this work so much. I LOVE being a missionary in the Australia Perth Mission. I know that this is exactly where I need to be right now in my life. I know that the work I'm a part of has already blessed and changed others and me. I know I must sound like a broken record at this point, but I honestly don't know how I could have faced the rest of life without a mission. Heavenly Father knows me so well. I am eternally grateful for the people and experiences that are shaping me into the best version of myself. That's one of the great things about being with Sister E; I'm able to see how much I've progressed since the MTC. I love it! I love you and pray for you daily. I hope you have a beautiful week!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

letter.fourty.four 01.28.14 "life could be a dream"

This week has been incredible! And it all started right after I emailed you all. I was sitting next to this lady and she asked for some help on her computer. I helped her and then we started chatting. She asked me about my badge and all the other missionaries there emailing. We started talking about the Gospel. We had an amazing conversation. She has been searching for the truth and for a way to know God more. She agreed to let us come over during the week and we gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon! She was eating it up.

Then we went over and she had read the BOM from the beginning until the Isaiah chapters, then she got confused so she skipped ahead because she said she couldn't put it down. She was reading for at least an hour per day. We had an amazing lesson and committed her to baptism. She said yes! It's scheduled for the first of March because she said she wouldn't be able to come to church for two weeks because she had other plans but by the time we left she asked if we could pray with her for her friend to be ok with coming to church with her because she knew she needed to come! It was AWESOME! She and her friend came to church and loved it! Sam is incredible. She was so outgoing at church services and was taking notes and commenting all through the meetings. The ward loved her and they are all anxious to fellowship her! It was such a blessing to be a part of.

Another great thing happened when some sisters in our zone told us they were struggling to feel motivated so when their district had a blitz on Monday we went down for it. We went on splits with the sisters for the blitz and one of the sisters and I found 3 new investigators in 45 minutes. It was honestly one of the best tracting experiences I have had on my mission. It was so cool. I had been praying all day that we would have a successful and motivating blitz and God was very generous. The sister I was with is amazing. She, just like all of us, just needed a little motivating and you couldn't stop her by the end. She was practically running to every house! That's the part of being a sister training leader that's really fun, being there to help your sisters and then watching them flourish! I love it!

We also had zone conference this week and it was AWESOME!!! It was all a focus on getting members to lessons. It motivated us to do even better. We are getting members to all of our set appointments and it has been awesome to see the members get involved more fully. This ward is amazing. I don't know how I always get blessed with the best wards. God is so good to me.

Sister E and I also sang in zone conference. We sang an arrangement of “I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go” and we were very blessed. We only had a few days to practice so we probably went over it only about 6 times before the performance and it went really well. God helped us to be able to sing beyond our own abilities and to bring the Spirit. I love music.

And today we get to go to the temple! I cannot wait. I love it so much! I know it will be good and very peaceful to go once again, especially as a zone. It will be such a good opportunity. 

I love you all. I am so so happy. This transfer is already speeding by much too quickly. I kind of hate that.... Sister E and I have such a good time together and we do a lot of good missionary work together. It's been a dream transfer thus far and we're nearly halfway through! Craziness. It really does feel like I'm dreaming because I am being so blessed. Truly, "life could be a dream." Thank you for your love, support and prayers. I can feel them. It can be almost tangible sometimes.

I love you.