Monday, August 15, 2011

so... I was wrong about running...

I never ever thought that I would say this.... but I really like running. I started running about a month and a half ago. I only started because I wanted to get in shape and everyone said that it was the best way to do it. I was prepared to hate every second of it. I was pleasantly surprised. I actually enjoyed it. Before when I have ran I felt sick after, my whole body was sore and I would cough for the rest of the day.  I think one of my main problems was my attitude. I was only running because I was being forced to so I wasn't trying to enjoy myself. This summer I was running with a purpose. I wanted to be fit and so I was willing to go through whatever pain it took to get there. I was trying to make it an enjoyable experience and it really has been. Now I can actually go on a run without feeling like I'm going to die. I love it because it makes me feel more awake and alert. I love it because I feel better about myself. I love it because it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. Running has become one of the "roses" in my life rather than the dreaded weed it was before.