Monday, July 29, 2013

letter.sixteen "the errand of angels"

Dearest Family,
This week has been great! In Australia they do these things called mini missions where the youth come on a mission for a little while and I have a mini missionary right now! Her name is Sister Woo and she's 16. I love her so much. She is adorable. She'll be with me for a total of 5 days and she's completely a missionary, rules and all. My companion has a mini missionary too. It's such a smart idea to have them all be able to try it out and see what missionary work is really like and the amazing things that can come from it. I feel so blessed to have her with me.
We also had zone conference this week and it was inspiring and so much fun. It was all on planning and the assistants made it fun and exciting. I know it sounds weird that planning is fun, but turns out it can be. Although, I am a bit of an organization freak so maybe that's why I love it so much. My companion and I were also able to sing at zone conference so that was really fun. I love it whenever I get to sing. I feel like I can bear my testimony much more effectively through song.
One of the things that really touched me at zone conference was when the stake president spoke. He talked about the rippling effect we would have as missionaries. I had this vision of what I really can accomplish as a missionary and as a member of the church. I may not know the fruits of my mission until the next life, but I know that it's worth it. I felt so inspired after zone conference to "make it happen" as President Lindsay would say. He is all about empowering us to make things happen instead of waiting for someone else to tell us what to do or waiting for the perfect people to come to us. We have to set goals that we feel are accepted by God and then we need to LIVE for our goals. Ah! It's so awesome. Honestly, mum and dad would have been ALL over this training. So good. It's all about having a vision of what we can achieve and become.
I can't remember if I shared this before, but one of my favorite quotes from President was, "Everything of value is created twice. Once spiritually and once physically." As you look at God's pattern of creation it's true. I have felt the power of planning in missionary work.
I have decided also that it must be my calling to help troubled women on my mission. This past week I have had the privilege of talking with many women. Some of these women have been through things that I cannot even comprehend. They have been scarred and battered, but they are trying their best to keep the faith. I honestly feel a little overwhelmed by it sometimes. I don't know how to help these women and I'm not even supposed to counsel them as a missionary, but I can help them look to the Savior. That is one of the best feelings I have had on my mission. I am able to testify to them that God loves them. That they are His noble daughters and that He is pleased with their efforts. My heart literally feels like it's going to break for these women, I love them so deeply, but I know that the Savior loves them even more because He knows perfectly what they are going through. He will be there with them if they will only ask. They may feel completely alone, but they aren't. I love being able to testify of the Savior's love because every time I do I can feel His love for them more acutely. It's an incredible feeling.
A word I have come to love even more on my mission is heal. The Savior really does heal us. I have watched Him heal those that I have worked with and I have felt Him heal me. Last night we were teaching a boy who has been hurt and misguided in almost every way. He is trying to unlearn everything he thought to be true and replace it. I was able to testify to him that this process is not on his own and that the Savior will be there for him every step of the way. To see the change in his countenance was incredible. He went from depressed to smiling huge. I didn't even know it was possible for him to smile so big! He is so excited to be baptized. I feel so privileged to be a part of the "errand of angels." I love being a missionary! There are miracles all around us.

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