Sunday, November 27, 2011

the joys of family

When I was in High School I was very focused on friends. I always wanted to be with them because if I wasn't with them then I would probably miss out on something and then I would never understand the inside jokes from that night and so on. I wanted to be with my friends basically every minute of everyday. Don't get me wrong, I still LOVED being with my family. I have always had really good relationships with my parents and siblings, but I definitely didn't view them as the most fun option on a weekend. When I look back at those times it's sad to me. I think of all of the bonding time that I missed because my friends were doing something that was "really cool" so I skipped out on family time. Or even if I was there for family time I was usually texting someone the whole time.
Now I don't feel that way at all. This weekend my whole family was together for Thanksgiving and it was the best weekend I have had in a long time. And sometimes I even forgot to unplug my phone from the charger. I loved being with them. Especially with my nieces and nephew around. I love that when I'm with family it's completely different than being with friends. It's tons of fun with no pressure. I don't have to ever put on a show for my family. For instance, I only did my hair twice this week and I only wore make-up a few days. It felt so nice to know that it didn't matter how I looked for my family because they love me no matter what. I also don't have to worry about all of the competition that there can be among friends.
I think the thing I love the most about my family is how much we laugh. We are always laughing at something. There were several points this weekend that many of us were in tears because we were laughing so hard. I love that. Laughing is probably my favorite past time.
There were so many adorable moments with all of the kids too. Livvy says the cutest things. One of the best was when she would let out a little toot and say "root-a-toot-toot!" She always had a little mischievous look on her face with it which made it all the more cute. Then there's Luke who is big in to wrestling. He finds so much joy in climbing on top of people and snuggling his cute face into them. He also loves being chased. He laughs and laughs and then chases you back. Then there's Kami who is always making the best facial expressions. She wrinkles up her nose and puckers her lips. Although my personal favorite thing about Kami is that she snuggles with me. Alan and Alexis said that she pretty much doesn't do that with anyone else which makes it even more special. Maybe she just knows how much I love that. I find very few things more satisfying then having an adorable baby snuggle up on my chest. Kami did that today in church when I took her out of Sacrament meeting so I had Kevin take a picture. Look how adorable she is...
Yep, she's precious. They all are. All in all, I love my family and I'm so glad that I am realizing more and more just how much I really do love and appreciate them. I am surrounded by truly incredible people.

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