Sunday, March 11, 2012

the media today = filth

I've been thinking a lot lately about how good Satan is at reeling people into his traps. He knows just how to do it so that you don't feel like you're doing anything wrong at all and then all the sudden you find that you're rationalizing everything. I think Satan's main way to reel us in at the moment is through the media. It seems as though there is so much filth on TV, in movies and in songs that sometimes I think that I should never watch/listen to anything again, but that is not the case. The media can be a positive force too. There have been several movies and songs that have literally helped my testimony to grow and I'm not talking about church related media either. There is some good out there. You just have to sort through a lot of bad to get through it.
It breaks my heart to see how many FABULOUS people watch garbage! They have been lulled into Satan's trap. Don't worry, I completely understand that I have been there done that. This past fall semester I had a professor who pointed out something that I have not been able to stop thinking about. He told us that one of the main reasons that really good people break the law of chastity is because they watch bad things. I know, I know you've heard it before and it doesn't feel true, but let me finish. He then pointed out that when you watch bad media a lot you begin to stop recognizing when the spirit leaves you. This presents many problems, one of the biggest being when you go to far the spirit will leave, but if you don't recognize that you can get into trouble that you wouldn't have otherwise. When he told me this I decided that it was a big deal and that I need to do something to make sure that I wasn't desensitized. My professor challenged us to go without media for 30 days and then go back and see what things bother you. I decided to do it and the effects were amazing. I realized so many things that I had been watching or listening to that I shouldn't be. Now that I have cut those things out of my life I have felt a HUGE difference. I have been happier and I can literally feel the spirit with me more often.
I wish that everyone would try this so that they could see how much happier and safe that they can be. It has blessed my life more than I could have ever imagined. I think this is something so crucial because the media is getting so horrible. Remember when "Brokeback Mountain" came out and everyone flipped? Yeah well now in shows that EVERYONE, including really, really good people watch there are gay and lesbian couples are MAIN CHARACTERS! That is so sad to me. This is something that needs to be stopped. We can't keep thinking that this is ok. We have to become re-sensitized.


  1. amen sister friend, as Dave would say. I've been thinking a lot about our convo yesterday...

    1. yeah I was to so I just had to put it out there.

  2. This is a great post. Really. Maybe I'll try it!

    Also, I tagged you on my blog. :)
