Saturday, November 19, 2011

my gratitude list

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I thought I should probably make a list of things that I am grateful for. It's always amazing to look at all that I have been blessed with. I'm sure I won't even close to remember everything that should be on my list, but even making one is a good start for me.
  • Of course I have to start with my incredible family. They are amazing and inspiring to me. Every time I'm with them I realize how wonderful they are. I'm so glad that I get to be with them for ETERNITY!
  • My roomies. They are so great. We are always doing ridiculous things and mostly just laughing our heads off, which in my opinion is the best way to live.
  • My co-workers. They have become like my family. They are all so kind and very patient with me. I tell them pretty much everything about my life and they listen to it all and then they even remember what I tell them. They're amazing.
  • My bishopric. They are all so nice. They are all willing to do anything for anyone and they make me want to be a better person.
  • My ward. Everyone I meet is so fun and nice.
  • Aside from the boys in my ward, who are all very nice, I have met some other boys that have helped me remember how wonderful it is to have truly kind boys in my life. They are great friends and even though I haven't known them for that I long I already feel a strong bond with them because they are genuine.  
  • Father's/Brother's blessings. I have recently had a blessing from my dad and from my brother. Blessings have always been very special to me because they are a strong reminder of God's love and knowledge of me. He knows what I'm going through and wants to help me. 
  • The Gospel. My list could never be complete without this on it. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the biggest blessing in my life. It is my way of life.
  • The Atonement. I always thought that I really understood the Atonement, but this summer and this year I have felt the power of the Atonement in my life in a whole different way then I ever had before. The more I learn about it the stronger my testimony of it grows and the more I can feel my Savior's love for me. 
  • A living prophet and apostles. It's incredible that I can hear the words of God through them. They bring much more peace and security in my life, just from listening to them speak. 
  • My religion professors. They have changed my life. Every time I go to their classes, I leave wanting to be a better person. 
  • My apartment. I love it. It's adorable and oh so homey. It's a joy to come to it everyday:)
Those are just a few of the things I'm grateful for. I am glad that we get this time of year to focus on the things that we are grateful for, for me it's the quickest way to happiness.

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