Wednesday, June 4, 2014

letter 04.27.14 "fight another day"

district P day

with Elder P: district leader

beautiful Aussie flowering bushes

Well we had a great week! It was certainly one of those weeks that really test you. This whole transfer we've been really struggling to find investigators. It's funny because I've never felt like I've tried so hard in so many different ways on my mission and we're having the least success. We decided that this week was our week. We have been feeling like we should get the members more involved and try finding through them so we've been doing power visits to members and helping them set a date for when we can help teach someone in their home. Hopefully that will yield fruit soon enough.

We've been teaching quite a few recent converts and less active members which has been really good. It is good to see them progress.

I think one of the best parts about this week was on Friday we were invited to go to young women’s camp. We taught a 20-minute class in five different rotations to the girls about member missionary work. We did a little object lesson with them at the beginning that helped them see how much better missionary work is if we find and get fellowship through the members. Then we had each of them ponder those people who they knew who needed to come back to church or come to church for the first time.

We felt strongly while we were preparing for this that we needed to do good follow up or nothing would probably come from it. So we had a list for each ward (this was stake camp) and the girls wrote down their name, phone number, their friend’s name, and when they were available to come out with us. There were about 65 girls there and about 50 put their names down to help us and 30 of those girls wrote down specific friend's names that they wanted to share the gospel with!  That's huge! So we told them that the sisters in each of their wards would follow up with them about their friends and get them to come out with them. I think it will really help the young woman get involved and excited about missionary  work! We've committed all of our sisters to do really good follow up with all of them so there should be some really good things that come from this! 

Then we really wanted to make sure we were doing all in our power to find people to teach so we fasted all of Saturday. The zone leaders came and did a blitz in our area with us and it was rainy and everything, but no one was interested. They found a few potentials that we'll follow up with and they should become new investigators in the future. Then we just worked our tails off all day. We didn't have any meetings or anything to hold us back so we were just out doing solid missionary work in the rain (which always makes you feel more epic.)  And we didn’t find anyone interested.

We did find a really interesting less active though. She invited us in to vent and then kicked us out. I've never heard so much swearing in my life... it was an interesting experience.

But at the end of the day and really throughout this whole transfer we haven't been discouraged. Satan is constantly trying to get me down, but I know that I am doing all that I can. We're trying different things and we're keeping our faith up. This is just our test and that's ok because that's what makes us stronger.

It's been interesting because I have really felt Satan’s attacks this week. It doesn't matter what is happening he is constantly trying to get me down for anything and everything, but I have been shutting him down. There are moments where he had small victories, but not lasting. I feel like every day is a battle, but that's ok because that's what's helping me grow.

I actually had my first real fit of anxiety this week. I won't go into all the details and it wasn't related to our missionary work or success, but it got really bad. I couldn't eat. I knew it was Satan. He is relentless. So I knelt in prayer I asked for peace. I felt a warm rush from my head down to my toes. It was like someone poured warm water and the shaking and the anxiety left. I felt as if I was encircled in the arms of His love. I knew He was pleased with me. I don't tell you that to make you worry about me, but rather to bear my witness that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I felt His love so strongly and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Satan is trying to get me down in so many ways, but I have been successful in not letting him win because I have relied on God. There is a song we listen to in our mission called "fight another day" by Brandon Heath and I have felt like that has been my anthem this week. It talks about how it's an uphill climb and that even thought it's hard, we'll survive. You just take it one day at a time. Just fight another day. I have felt that this week. I have been so so happy, but it's because I've made a conscious choice. I have to always be watching out for Satan because he keeps trying to attack in the ways that I least expect. I think he's trying to ruin the last months of my mission, but I know that he can't. I won't let him. And that's why I've been happy this week. I know that God is on my side and that I'm doing the right thing. I know that I'm doing my best and that's all that God asks so I am thankful! Oh happy day, not because everything’s perfect, but because that's how I choose it!

I am so thankful to be on a mission. I am so happy! The work I'm doing is the greatest I could do. I'm thankful for the times when I'm stretching because that's how I grow. I love you all. I pray for you all the time. Thank you for all of your love a support.

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